This is the Liturgy of the Hours for December 31. Your local date is .
Dear Community,
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is set to gather on June 12-14 for their Spring Plenary Assembly, where they will vote on, among other things, the texts to be included in the Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition. published an article where the progress for the publication of the Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition is summarized. They quote The Pillar interviewed with Fr. Andrew Menke from 2021 and a more recent interview, from November 2023 with Fr. Dustin Dought, the current Executive Director of the USCCB Office for Divine Worship. reports that Fr. Dought said: “In May (of 2023), ICEL transmitted seven books to us of texts for Liturgy of the Hours, a total of 4,000 pages, English and Latin. These were texts that were not a part of the scope of work that the bishops established in 2012, but ICEL, in their assessment, felt that those needed to be updated so that they were consistent with the new translations.” USCCB “didn’t anticipate” that ICEL – [the international body actually doing the translation] – would send those texts, but “the committee believes that it’s good to have those texts, so that there will be greater consistency in the breviary.”
“For the most part those were updates, but the bishops still need to review those, have an opportunity to modify those, and then the full body of bishops will vote on those [4,000 pages] in June of 2024”.
On the other hand, “the revision of the New American Bible is ongoing. And so all of the non-Scriptural texts will have been approved, but it will remain for the revision of the NAB to be completed, and then for that translation to be approved by the whole body of bishops for liturgical use.”
“Our hope”, Fr. Dought said, “is that [the NAB] would be completed next fall (the fall of 2024), and that the whole body of bishops would vote on that liturgical text in November 2024.”
Asked to estimate a publishing date for the new 4 volume, Fr. Dought said: “So, my hope is that we will be able to send four volumes of the breviary to the Holy See in December of 2024. The dicastery normally takes 12 to 18 months in their review of texts.” Also publishers need some time to prepare, an estimated another six or eight months after the Vatican finishes. So, when asked about a new best case scenario for a publishing date, Fr. Dought estimated June 2026.
You can read the whole article here.
Details about the progress on each section of the Liturgy of the Hours, Second Edition and further updates can be found at USCCB website.
The Pillar interviewed with Fr. Andrew Menke from June 2021
The Pillar interviewed with Fr. Dustin Dought from November 2023
I will be unable to afford a new 4 volume set. Will there be inserts available for the new wording.Pjbliujus
I look forward to having the texts of the Sanctoral cycle renewed. That is the Saints canonized by Pope John Paul II. My hope is notes for the music. Bless all those devoted to this Website. Peace, Fr. Al
how will this affect the Ordinariate and its work compiling the complete breviary for former Anglicans?
I trust will continue its most valuable service in presenting this wonderful site to which I’ve subscribed since 2007-2008. God bless you for all you do for Holy Mother Church.
RE: that there might be A, B, & C Antiphons for the Gospel Canticles for Sundays and Solemnities.This is how it is in the Spanish Breviary, Italian etc. Its a shame that the English does not follow it. It helps link your MP and EP to the Mass of the Sunday or Solemnity.
The beauty of the Faith is, it is ancient and yet it is as present as it will ever be. (Heb 13:7-8) 7 Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The new estimate is 2 years from now, we’ll have the 2nd edition. I got it.
This seems to indicate that this is primarily a matter of translation, similar to what occurred with the Mass over a decade ago.Is it expected to be more than that? I had heard the psalm prayers might be removed and that there might be A, B, & C Antiphons for the Gospel Canticles for Sundays and Solemnities.My biggest home would be that we get a two year cycle of readings for Matins.