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Liturgy of the Hours for December 25

Office of Readings - Solemnity for

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Liturgy of the Hours Vol. I:
Ordinary: 649
All from Proper of Seasons: 399

Christian Prayer:
Does not contain Office of Readings.

Office of Readings for the Solemnity of Christmas

God, come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.


Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming from tender stem hath sprung!
Of Jesse's lineage coming, as men of old have sung.
It came, a flower bright, amid the cold of winter
When half-spent was the night.

Isaiah 'twas foretold it, the Rose I have in mind:
With Mary we behold it, the virgin mother kind.
To show God's love aright, she bore to men a Savior
When half-spent was the night.

𝄞"Lo, How a rose E'er Blooming" by Rebecca Hincke • Available for Purchase • Title: Lo, How a rose E'er Blooming; Text: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen; 15th c. German; Tr. Theodore Baker; Tune: ES IST EIN ROS; Artist: Rebecca Hincke; (c) 2017 Surgeworks, Inc. • Albums that contain this Hymn: Hymns and Chants of Divine Office, Vol. 4


Ant. 1 The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

Psalm 2
The Messiah, king and conqueror

The rulers of the earth joined forces to overthrow Jesus, your anointed Son (Acts 4:27).

Why this tumult among nations,
among peoples this useless murmuring?
They arise, the kings of the earth,
princes plot against the Lord and his Anointed.
“Come let us break their fetters,
come, let us cast off their yoke.”

Ant. The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord is laughing them to scorn.
Then he will speak in his anger,
his rage will strike them with terror.
“It is I who have set up my king
on Zion, my holy mountain.”

Ant. The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

I will announce the decree of the Lord:
The Lord said to me: “You are my Son.
It is I who have begotten you this day.
Ask and I shall bequeath you the nations,
put the ends of the earth in your possession.
With a rod of iron you will break them,
shatter them like a potter’s jar.”

Ant. The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

Now, O kings, understand,
take warning, rulers of the earth;
serve the Lord with awe and trembling,
pay him your homage lest he be angry
and you perish;
for suddenly his anger will blaze.

Ant. The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

Blessed are they who put their trust in God.

Ant. The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. The Lord said to me: You are my Son, today I have begotten you.

Ant. 2 The Lord comes forth, the bridegroom from his bridal chamber.

Psalm 19A
Praise of the Lord, Creator of all

The dawn from on high shall break on us… to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:78,79).

The heavens proclaim the glory of God,
and the firmament shows forth the work of his hands.
Day unto day takes up the story
and night unto night makes known the message.

Ant. The Lord comes forth, the bridegroom from his bridal chamber.

No speech, no word, no voice is heard
yet their span extends through all the earth,
their words to the utmost bounds of the world.

Ant. The Lord comes forth, the bridegroom from his bridal chamber.

There he has placed a tent for the sun;
it comes forth like a bridegroom coming from his tent,
rejoices like a champion to run its course.

Ant. The Lord comes forth, the bridegroom from his bridal chamber.

At the end of the sky is the rising of the sun;
to the furthest end of the sky is its course.
There is nothing concealed from its burning heat.

Ant. The Lord comes forth, the bridegroom from his bridal chamber.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. The Lord comes forth, the bridegroom from his bridal chamber.

Ant. 3 Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Psalm 45
The marriage of the king

The Bridegroom is here; go out and welcome him (Matthew 25:6).

My heart overflows with noble words.
To the king I must speak the song I have made;
my tongue as nimble as the pen of a scribe.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

You are the fairest of the children of men
and graciousness is poured upon your lips:
because God has blessed you for evermore.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

O mighty one, gird your sword upon your thigh;
in splendor and state, ride on in triumph
for the cause of truth and goodness and right.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Take aim with your bow in your dread right hand.
Your arrows are sharp: peoples fall beneath you.
The foes of the king fall down and lose heart.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Your throne, O God, shall endure for ever.
A scepter of justice is the scepter of your kingdom.
Your love is for justice; your hatred for evil.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Therefore God, your God, has anointed you
with the oil of gladness above other kings:
your robes are fragrant with aloes and myrrh.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

From the ivory palace you are greeted with music.
The daughters of kings are among your loved ones.
On your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words:
forget your own people and your father’s house.
So will the king desire your beauty:
he is your lord, pay homage to him.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

And the people of Tyre shall come with gifts,
the richest of the people shall seek your favor.
The daughter of the king is clothed with splendor,
her robes embroidered with pearls set in gold.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

She is led to the king with her maiden companions.
They are escorted amid gladness and joy;
they pass within the palace of the king.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Sons shall be yours in place of your fathers:
you will make them princes over all the earth.
May this song make your name for ever remembered.
May the peoples praise you from age to age.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. Your words are filled with grace, because God has blessed you for ever.

Sacred Silence (indicated by a bell)
A moment to reflect and receive in our hearts the full resonance of the voice of the Holy Spirit and to unite our personal prayer more closely with the word of God and public voice of the Church.

The Word was made man, alleluia.
He lived among us, alleluia.


First reading
From the book of the prophet Isaiah
The root of Jesse

Thus says the Lord God:
A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,
and from his roots a bud shall blossom.
The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:
a spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
A spirit of counsel and of strength,
a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord,
and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.

Not by appearance shall he judge,
nor by hearsay shall he decide,
But he shall judge the poor with justice,
and decide aright for the land’s afflicted.
He shall strike the ruthless with the rod of his mouth,
and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
Justice shall be the band around his waist,
and faithfulness a belt upon his hips.

Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb,
and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;
The calf and the young lion shall browse together,
with a little child to guide them.
The cow and the bear shall be neighbors,
together their young shall rest;
the lion shall eat hay like the ox.
The baby shall play by the cobra’s den,
and the child lay his hand on the adder’s lair.

There shall be no harm or ruin on all my holy mountain;
for the earth shall be filled with knowledge of the Lord,
as water covers the sea.

On that day,
The root of Jesse,
set up as a signal for the nations,
The Gentiles shall seek out,
for his dwelling shall be glorious.


Today, for our sake, the King of heaven chose to be born of his virgin mother, to reclaim lost men for the heavenly kingdom.
All the angels cry aloud with joy, for God has come himself to save mankind.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace to his people on earth.
All the angels cry aloud with joy, for God has come himself to save mankind.

Second reading
From a sermon by Saint Leo the Great, pope
Christian, remember your dignity

Dearly beloved, today our Savior is born; let us rejoice. Sadness should have no place on the birthday of life. The fear of death has been swallowed up; life brings us joy with the promise of eternal happiness.

No one is shut out from this joy; all share the same reason for rejoicing. Our Lord, victor over sin and death, finding no man free from sin, came to free us all. Let the saint rejoice as he sees the palm of victory at hand. Let the sinner be glad as he receives the offer of forgiveness. Let the pagan take courage as he is summoned to life.

In the fullness of time, chosen in the unfathomable depths of God’s wisdom, the Son of God took for himself our common humanity in order to reconcile it with its creator. He came to overthrow the devil, the origin of death, in that very nature by which he had overthrown mankind.

And so at the birth of our Lord the angels sing in joy: Glory to God in the highest, and they proclaim peace to his people on earth as they see the heavenly Jerusalem being built from all the nations of the world. When the angels on high are so exultant at this marvelous work of God’s goodness, what joy should it not bring to the lowly hearts of men?

Beloved, let us give thanks to God the Father, through his Son, in the Holy Spirit, because in his great love for us he took pity on us, and when we were dead in our sins he brought us to life with Christ, so that in him we might be a new creation. Let us throw off our old nature and all its ways and, as we have come to birth in Christ, let us renounce the works of the flesh.

Christian, remember your dignity, and now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return by sin to your former base condition. Bear in mind who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Do not forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of God’s kingdom.

Through the sacrament of baptism you have become a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do not drive away so great a guest by evil conduct and become again a slave to the devil, for your liberty was bought by the blood of Christ.


Today true peace came down to us from heaven.
Today the whole earth was filled with heaven’s sweetness.

Today a new day dawns, the day of our redemption, prepared by God from ages past, the beginning of our never ending gladness.
Today the whole earth was filled with heaven’s sweetness.


You are God: we praise you;
You are the Lord: we acclaim you;
You are the eternal Father:
All creation worships you.

To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,
Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full of your glory.

The glorious company of apostles praise you.
The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.
The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.

Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:
Father, of majesty unbounded,
your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,
and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.

You, Christ, are the King of glory,
the eternal Son of the Father.

When you became man to set us free
you did not spurn the Virgin’s womb.

You overcame the sting of death,
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.
We believe that you will come, and be our judge.

Come then, Lord, and help your people,
bought with the price of your own blood,
and bring us with your saints
to glory everlasting.

Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.
Govern and uphold them now and always.

Day by day we bless you.
We praise your name for ever.

Keep us today, Lord, from all sin.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.

Lord, show us your love and mercy,
for we have put our trust in you.

In you, Lord, is our hope:
And we shall never hope in vain.


O God,
who wonderfully created the dignity of human nature
and still more wonderfully restored it,
grant, we pray,
that we may share in the divinity of Christ,
who humbled himself to share in our humanity.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

ACCLAMATION (at least in the communal celebration)

Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.

Personal Reflections

The Faith Journey of our Community

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Lisa Cunningham on December 25th, 2023 at 14:39

Merry Christmas to the world!
Heavenly Father, help us to celebrate Jesus’ birth with peace, joy, and compassion for all. Let us love and stop making war. Bring us together with your unity so you may be proud of our...
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Divine Office Blog

News and Updates from our ministry

Announcement: Outcome of Server Migration

Mauro on January 22nd, 2025at 13:00

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Recently we have migrated to a new internet service provider. Our previous hosting solution has served us well but our community expanded, so we’ve outgrown it. Upscaling with our... Continue reading

Divine Office Is Now on Instagram, Threads, and YouTube!

Mauro on December 11th, 2024at 13:00

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are delighted to share some exciting updates about how Divine Office is reaching new audiences and deepening connections within our prayer community. As part of our mission to... Continue reading

A Note to Our Community: Freeing up space for prayer

Mauro on October 11th, 2024at 7:20

Thank you everyone for your feedback, it allowed us to see what needs to be fixed or changed. We recently became aware, thanks to feedback from our visually impaired users, that zooming in on a... Continue reading

Enhancing Your Divine Office Experience: Upcoming Improvements and Features

Mauro on September 19th, 2024at 6:21

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” — Matthew 18:20 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are happy to announce new features... Continue reading


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Pray anywhere
I have prayed the Divine Office for many years. [...] When I discovered this app, all of my concerns of ribbon placement were gone. Having the Divine Office on my phone is absolutely the best thing ever! The sense of community is so wonderful as I see how many others are praying at the same time as myself. [...] Now I don’t need to turn a lamp on as I use to when I used the Office printed volumes. It is such a blessing to have the Divine Office in my pocket. Many times I’ve been sitting in a doctor’s waiting room at the time of Mid Morning prayer. It is so calming of any worries to pull out my phone, open the app, and be able to connect with Our Lord at those times I need Him most. I don’t use the audio version much but the few times I’ve traveled, it is so comforting to not have to skip the Office in order to keep my hands on the steering wheel and my eyes in the road. I recommend this app to friends all the time, especially to those who’d like to pray the Office but feel intimidated by the size of the printed version and getting the ribbons placed properly. Thank you for developing this app. It is my constant companion.

SheezyOCon October 13, 2021

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Super helpful
I have only been introduced to the divine office prayers two times before I downloaded this app. It is laid out in a way that is very easy to understand, and there is an audio option that will say all of the prayers. There is an option to set reminders throughout the day. I got this because, I didn’t really know how to say the divine office, and I didn’t know what prayer books I needed to purchase to begin. During the shutting down of churches for covid :( this has been a wonderful resource. One cool feature is that you can tap on the “in prayer” link and see little specks of light around the globe lighting up in the area that someone else is praying. It’s so cool to see everyone praying with you and is a powerful reminder that we are all connected and unified in Christ’s mystical body.

tori6543588on May 5, 2020

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Praying with the whole Church
I love this app! Since it is now free and no longer for sale, I made sure to donate the price of buying it, and then some. I have loved the Liturgy of the Hours for 25 years. But I always felt alone when I prayed it. With this app, I am connected to others! I use it in conjunction with my printed Christian Prayer volume. On other days, I cannot get to my book but with the app, I always have the prayers available. I have the printed calendar with my book, but I actually rely on this more for placing my ribbons. The audio is wonderful!! I often read out loud with it. I love that I can change the speed of the audio! I have found that 1.3 is good for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this app. Thank you for still supporting it. Thank you for updating the “one God,” to just “God” change in the prayers. My book still throws me off but your app is right! Highly recommend this. Many friends have it. THANK YOU!!

MommytoNFP2on June 12, 2022

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