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About Today for Friday in the 20th week of Ordinary Time or St. Rose of Lima, V

August 23

Saint Rose of Lima

Optional Memorial

St. Rose of Lima lived from 1586 to 1617 in Peru. At a young age, she joined Christ through penance, purity, and prayer. To ward off her many suitors, St. Rose cut off her hair and begged her father to allow her to remain chaste. He granted this to Rose, but insisted she remain un-cloistered. In obedience to his wish, she joined the Third Order of St. Dominic. Her mortifications increased to include fasting, coarse clothing, isolation, and prolonged prayer. These sufferings she offered up for the sake of lost souls, her country, and the conversion of sinners. She served the poor with unstinting love, funding her efforts through her artistic needlework and tatting. St. Rose was canonized in 1671 by Clement X and is known as the first American saint. [1]

Written by Sarah Ciotti
Reviewed by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB, STD

[1] Catholicpedia: The Original Catholic Encyclopedia (1917) for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. s.v. “St. Rose of Lima.”
Note: Optional Memorials and Commemorations are optional celebrations and, at present, we do not include content specific to these special days. This “About Today” is provided so that you can celebrate this Saint as you worship Christ.

Liturgy of the Hours for August 23 - Friday in the 20th week of Ordinary Time or St. Rose of Lima, V